Anyhoo, i hope i can resume normal service again - i really missed you all!
The very awesome Pandadoesmakeup tagged everyone to do this post and as its an easy one I'm going to use it to get me back into the swing of things. Bare with me if I'm a bit rusty!
1. Things you cannot leave the house without:
Usually I would be right with the rest of you shouting 'PHOOOOONE' but alas tis not to be!Recently my phone has been playing up, cheekily refusing to charge properly and mischievously turning off mid phone call but a few days ago it well and truly, completely gave up the ghost (i actually just had to ask boy if this phrase is 'giving up the ghost or goat?' I was met by several bouts of incredulous laughter. SWINE ps hi Marie) and now won't turn on...and do you want to know the crazy thing? I'm actually quite enjoying being off the radar! so yeah, NOT my phone anymore, and to be honest i feel quite bohemian in saying that i do just fine with just the clothes on my back.
2. Favourite brand of MakeUp:
Hmm, well im a pretty loyal customer of Lily Lolo for base products but MAC does it for me with most other things. Predictable but true!
3. Favourite flower:
I ADORE Peonies!
They're so pretty and fluffy and the smell is divine.
Im not one for
receiving flowers, id much rather have something
that'll last...but peonies are the exception! BRING EM ON!

4. Favourite clothing store:
Im the first to admit that the balance between clothes and makeup in my life somewhat skewed. Clothes aren't really my thing and im not one for following trends. Id much sooner do a simple outfit with really awesome make up and bright accessories, but i do enjoy Urban Outfitters for simple, casual pieces that are a little bit 'on trend'.
5. Favourite perfume:
Has to be Paco Rabbane Ultra Violet. LOOOVE!
6. Heels or Flats:
Purely in terms of aesthetics id have to say heels. There's something almost artistic about a beautiful pair of heels that just makes me 'oooh'. Like this pair. Case in point.

but having said that, like many others, comfort is just too important for me to
wholly stand behind an answer of 'heels' for this. So my final answer: Flats it is then. But i do have my eye on this pair of
Topshop beauties.

7. Do you make good grades:
I was always good at the creative side of things. English, art, drama, music, and history saw me fine at school but i was hopeless at maths and science. Grades were according. I did well when i went to music school though and got distinctions all the way through. Proud of that! :0)
8. Favourite colours:
Teal, turquoise and gold. Tasty!

9. Do you drink energy drinks:
At the moment due to lack of sleep i start each morning at 5.30am and find myself at 8 o clock, sitting at my desk at work with a bottle of Lucozade cos im already knackered. Not ideal!
10. Do you drink juice:
Im a Pepsi or Lemonade kinda girl (mmm real lemons lemonade!) but i have been known to dabble in Cranberry juice. Does anyone else think its quite a satisfying 'woody' taste?
11. Do you like swimming:
I can take it or leave it really. meh.
12. Do you eat fries with a fork:

Nope. Fingers all the way! If i was out someone posh where it would be frowned upon I probably wouldn't order chips anyway. Potato Dauphinois all the way baby!!
13. Favourite moisturiser:
Neutrogena oil free moisturiser. I do love it.
14. Do you want to get married later on in life:
Yeah! But working at weddings pretty much every weekend means that i now know exactly what i DONT want for my own wedding!
I feel like weddings these days are really unpersonal...ive lost count of the endlessly interchangeable weddings where the bride looks the same, wears the same corset dress ive seen for the 4th week running in a faceless hotel function room served endlessly patient waitstaff who really just want their shifts to be over so they can go home and the bridezill wont have to be at the very centre of their being anymore.
I want something that really reflects me and the person im marrying! And i want it to be fun and relaxed with not a single stuffy waiter in sight!
Having said that, i want a marriage not just a wedding!
15. Do you get mad easily:
Nah not really. Im ok i think! Maybe Fras would say differently though!
16. Are you into ghost hunting?
Why yes, i LOVE it!!
17. Any phobias?
Not a phobia, but certainly a fear of the ocean which very much extends to sharks. I HATE especially when it gets black and you have no way of knowing whats underneath you. My worst nightmare would be surviving a plane crash but landing in the middle of the ocean. SHUDDER!
18. Do you bite your nails?
Nope, never have.
19. Have you ever had a near death experience?
Nope. touching wood now!
20. Do you drink coffee?
NO!!! this is a weird thing of mine. The thought of drinking something hot makes me cringe. I think drinks should be cold and refreshing and just cant comprehend the idea that any beverage should be warm or hot. This incorporates any teas, coffees, hot chocolate or warm juice. Blergh. I do however LOVE the smell of coffee.